NOTICE! SuggestedReading·com is a public ALPHA site. Nothing is guaranteed to work, no accounts or agreements are final, and any interaction you have with this site is only for testing and development and may not be saved. Cookie and IP information may be publicly exposed in the process of testing. This notice supercedes ALL other text on SuggestedReading·com. If you enjoy testing the site and write some suggested readings (book reccommendations), please SAVE THEM to resubmit when the site is stable. Thank you for visiting!
Suggested Reading

Terms of service and user agreement


SuggestedReading·com is a beta site. That means while we are operating normally, we may still have bugs to iron out and things may not work as advertised. If you discover discrepancies or problems, please let us know and we will do our best to fix things promptly.

User agreement

To use this site you agree to use it ethically. Specifically, you agree to have and use only one registered account for yourself and you agree to use site services only in ways which they are intended. Any breach of what SuggestedReading·com deems ethical behavior will result in a terminated user account.

Our privacy policy is here.

Mature content

This site may contain content not suitable for children. Many great books deal with mature content and therefore it's appropriate here when discussing them.


We have a zero tolerance, no warnings policy for site abuse. If you, for example, try to use two accounts to vote yourself up and inflate your experience, both accounts will be canceled and your IP will be blocked. End of story, no discussion.

We discourage the use of automated site visits via bots, scripts, or other special web agents. If you want automatic updates, we will have RSS/XML soon.

Assorted legalese


We reserve the right to alter this agreement at our discretion. If we make changes, we will give notice via email to your registered address and on the site for a limited period.

No warranty

We will work in diligent good faith to maintain the site, the data it contains, and its services but they are provided with no warranty. This site is offered as is.

If you do not agree to the letter and spirit of this agreement or are dissatisfied with the site and its service, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the service.

Copyright and content

By submitting suggested readings, comments, and anything you post to this site you agree to allow SuggestedReading·com permanent first serial rights to publish it online and in whatever online services this site may offer. This means you retain the copyright but you grant us the right to publish and use your submissions on this site as long as it exists under the general name SuggestedReading·com.

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